
By JohnBarnes

Step-by-Step Guide on How to “Football Helmet Drawing”?

A football helmet is an indispensable gear for playing football helmet drawing. It protects the head of the football player and helps to prevent injuries.

You’re here because you love drawing and sports! Drawing more complicated sports drawings is possible by learning how to draw the most important equipment.

Each step comes with an illustrated BONT CYCLING SHOES guide to help you understand the instructions. This tutorial allows you to personalize the football helmet drawing in any way you want.

To further personalize the football helmet drawing’s shell, we will add a large star shape.

It’s time to add different colors to the football helmet drawing!

You can see that we used white, red and a variety of grays to make the football helmet drawing more colorful.

You have the option to customize your football helmet by choosing custom colors. We are certain the colors will look great in any way.

Enjoy playing with colors, and then watch the football helmet drawing come to life.

You are now done with your Football Helmet Drawing!

This step-by-step tutorial will help you draw a football helmet. You now have the ability to draw a football helmet. Perhaps you can also draw a player wearing one.

You can draw it yourself by following our tutorial.

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It is a great accomplishment to complete a football helmet drawing. You should be proud of your achievement!

Now it is time to draw the football helmet face mask

We will now add the holder for the face mask to our football helmet.

It’s starting to take shape. Now it’s time for more details to the football helmet, such as helmet outline, face-mask mounting clip and holder.

This is the next step. You can add more details to the outline of your helmet or cheek pad on either side.